Complying with the changing rules and lifestyles surrounding COVID-19 and social distancing, including the protection of those at high risk, we may not be able to physically inspect all investment properties over the next few weeks or months.
However, the GOOD NEWS, is that for most properties we are
able to prepare a fully compliant Tax Depreciation Report
without an inspection at this time, based on a few extra
questions and our subsequent online investigations.
Our standard $540 residential Depreciation Schedule/Report Fee being
dropped to $350 for Schedules prepared without an inspection.
Here is the link to our reduced fee booking form and the additional property questionnaire that we would require completing. We will contact you if we need further information.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or queries you may have in
relation to Depreciation Schedule/Reports at this time, as obviously the world keeps revolving and the ATO are going to still want Tax Returns submitted.